World Map
To review some basic world map facts and to introduce some new facts that will be elaborated upon during the course.
Let's review some basic world map facts and introduce some new concepts that will be elaborated upon during the course.

While it will be rare in Geography 12 that you will be asked to memorize specific place names on a map, it is important that you have a basic working knowledge of the world map in terms of political and physical features. Some of the concepts in this lesson will be new to you but they will be elaborated upon during the course. This information will be tested towards the end of the course.

Assignment Work

Download and print out the world map.
Download and print out the world map exercise.

Both these items go in "The Nature of Geography Section" of your notebook.

Try to complete as much of the exercise as possible using your own knowledge. For questions you still cannot answer, you may consult your atlas. Do the exercise in pencil for ease when correcting mistakes. Make sure that you have correct spelling.


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