Nature of the Environment

To understand the nature of the global environment and to investigate its four key components: the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere.

Let's look at the global environment and its four key components: the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere. 

Key Concepts of the Environment

Assignment Work

1) Download, print out, and read over the "Key Concepts of the Environment" file from above. This goes in "The Nature of Geography" section of your notebook along with the other assignment work below.

2) Download, print out, and complete "The Four Spheres Interaction" exercise.

3) Humans and the Four Spheres Discussion

Pick two of the spheres from below and post your answers to the Discussion.


a) What does the biosphere provide for humans?
b) How do humans transform the biosphere?
c) What aspects of the biosphere can harm us?


a) What does the hydrosphere provide for humans?
b) How do humans transform the hydrosphere?
c) What aspects of the hydrosphere can harm us?


a) What does the atmosphere provide for humans?
b) How do humans transform the atmosphere?
c) What aspects of the atmosphere can harm us?


a) What does the lithosphere provide for humans?
b) How do humans transform the lithosphere?
c) What aspects of the lithosphere can harm us?


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