The Relevance of Geography

To understand that geography is the "connecting thread" between the disciplines. To identify the relevance of geography to environmental decision making, careers, and recreational activities.

Let's look at how geography connects to other subject areas and which careers are geography related.

The Nature of Geography

Geography is the study of the physical, natural, and human elements of the global environment. It is particularly concerned with

- interrelationships and interdependencies among those elements
- similarities among things, places, and processes
- differences between things, places, and processes
- the spatial distribution of particular phenomena (where things are; why they are there)
- the temporal distribution of particular phenomena (how things have changed over time).

Geography is an integrating study that helps to bridge the gap between the sciences and humanities. There are no facts or objects of study that are exclusive to geography. Geographic data is gathered from many sources and disciplines.


Transferable Skills In Geography and Career Opportunities for Geographers

Assignment Work

Read the information from above and then download and read the pdf file. After reading this file, consider the following questions:

1) Did any of the information contained in the file surprise you? Explain.
2) Are you interested in any of the geography related careers mentioned? Explain.

Post your responses to these two questions in the Discussion.

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